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2010-09-13 22:02:45
Last author: Aliz
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back to aliz in japan

My dear dear suika <3 haha

Mmm. Kare- <3
(Japanese curry xD)

Dessert is love :D


The Americans brought candy :P

The exchange students made pizza in the common room xD

Unagi pizza XD
Talk about disturbing ideas XD (una=eel)

View from my room :3

Posing in front of posters at the cinema XD


At a restaurant where they serve sumo wrestler food xD Nabe <3

The sky in Oita was always so blue :3 Even when it was grey of rain or black of night, it still felt happy-summer blue :3 I miss this place so much ;___;

One of the classrooms :3
It was really anime-ish with slide windows to the right leading out to the hall even xD

Tennis court and other club places at uni <3 View from classroom :3

Love those guys <3 awesome people <3

If you don't get this, go watch Gintama xD

Neat club we went to :3

Purikura is <3

<3<3<3 so good on a warm day :D



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2010-03-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: the food looks so nice:O

2010-03-08 [Aliz]: The nabe? XD

2010-03-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: uhu

2010-03-09 [Aliz]: It super yummy :3 but you get soooo much on your plate you feel like exploding xD haha

2010-03-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: wow, and me that get stuffed quickly if i don't have breakfast

2010-03-09 [Aliz]: I don't eat breakfast xD I hate eating after I just woke up xD gotta wait some 5-6 hours XD

2010-03-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i have to wait 3^^'

2010-03-09 [Aliz]: The whole "breakfast is the most important meal" is overrated T_______T At least I like to think so XD

2010-03-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i agree

2010-03-14 [Aliz]: I'm more about... dessert xD

2010-03-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: nom

2010-03-17 [Aliz]: KYAAA :D They made caramel cookies at work yesterday, so I got to eat a whole bunch of fail ones :D

2010-03-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lucky you

2010-03-19 [Aliz]: YEEEEEEAH *____*
me loves XD

2010-03-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm glad

2010-03-20 [Aliz]: why? XD

2010-03-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i just i can type pretty fast on the computer...

2010-03-21 [Aliz]: oh? XD

2010-03-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yupp...i think that's the reason i can answer as fast as i do^^'

2010-03-25 [Aliz]: I dunno xD
I don't type particularly slow or anything, but I think I answer messages slow because I'm so easily distracted >.< sorry >.<

2010-03-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol, so am i. i still manage to answer fast...just cause i'm trying not to get distracted^^'

2010-04-04 [Aliz]: Yeah, thing is, I don't try to not get distracted :/ haha

2010-04-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm easely distracted^^'

2010-04-07 [Aliz]: I'm way beyond "easily" distracted DX
Me: Let's go get some foo OH! CD! Must find cd-player remo OH! Butterfly on windo OH! I have to call work so OH! Let's read manga! :D


2010-04-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: XD

2010-04-11 [Aliz]: see my problem now? XD haha

2010-04-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm usually the same way

2010-04-24 [Aliz]: I never get to do things I should do XD

2010-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2010-09-13 [Aliz]: Ok! NOW I'm gonna try to upload rest of pictures =/ ahaha

2010-09-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: wohoooo:D

2010-09-14 [Aliz]: It's going slow XD nag if I forget XD

2010-09-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: do your pictures:P

2010-09-14 [Aliz]: AH MADEZ SUSHI LAST NITE :D!!!1!11 XD

2010-09-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i love sushiiii:D

2010-09-15 [Aliz]: me tooooo :D

2010-09-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: awesome:D

2010-09-15 [Aliz]: I'm gonna buy stuff next week so I can make more :D haha

2010-09-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: nice:D

2010-09-16 [Aliz]: yeah :D I'm looking forward to it :D shopping groceries is fun XD

2010-09-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: oh?

2010-09-20 [Aliz]: Yes :D You don't like it?

2010-09-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's ok, as long as i don't have to bike there when it rains^^'

2010-10-05 [Aliz]: Oh >_______< I can take the subway, luckily ^.^

2010-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lucky*lives in a smal town*

2010-10-09 [Aliz]: Me too, but I moved to the capital, so now everything is super efficient :D

2010-10-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lucky

2010-10-25 [Aliz]: yeees <3
I love the subway :D even though it's expensive and overcrowded T_____T OTL

2010-10-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: awww

2010-10-26 [Aliz]: Better than bus, though xD

2010-10-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol yeah

2010-10-26 [Aliz]: I hate taking the bus >____> ahaha

2010-10-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: awww

2010-10-28 [Aliz]: It's boring =( and people are annoying =(

2010-10-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol yeah

2010-10-28 [Aliz]: And on a bus, it's hard to avoid the annoying people =(

2010-10-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know

2010-11-24 [Aliz]: wtf XD My neighbour warms frozen pizza in the microwave XD

2010-11-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: so does i sometimes

2010-11-24 [Aliz]: but... this pizza is not supposed to be put in a microwave ;_____;
It's supposed to be 15-20 minutes in a normal oven T_____T he puts it on 4 minutes in microwave..... it smells gross D:

2010-11-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww

2010-11-26 [Aliz]: And my other neighbour puts cheese and pickeled cucumbers in the microwave O_____o

2010-11-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ewww

2010-11-28 [Aliz]: yeah =[ my neighbours can't cook XD

2010-11-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2010-11-30 [Aliz]: And I can only cook strange food xD awesome bunch xD

2010-12-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2011-01-09 [Aliz]: Instant miso <3 :D

2011-01-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ooohhh

2011-01-10 [Aliz]: yeaaah :D It's cheap and yummy!

2011-01-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lucky

2011-01-12 [Aliz]: I have to buy more soon, though DX but I don't wanna go outside D:
I hate the weather right now D:

2011-01-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: so do i

2011-01-12 [Aliz]: I wish spring would come D:
Yesterday I stepped in a deep poodle of snow/water outside work D:

2011-01-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: eeewww, i wish for spring too, tired of snow and ice

2011-01-13 [Aliz]: mhm =( and it's annoying that it keeps going from super cold to 0 degrees and back to super cold every other day D:

2011-01-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know what you mean-_-'

2011-01-13 [Aliz]: It's scary to drive too D: I keep expecting to fly right off the road every time I break or turn DX L O L

2011-01-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww:(

2011-01-18 [Aliz]: Meh =/
You know, it'd be so cool if we had sakura here *____*

2011-01-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: that'd be awesome

2011-01-19 [Aliz]: It would >___< but they'd probably die before they even got flowers XD OTL

2011-01-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: you know you can get sakura trees here, they're known as japanese cherry trees

2011-01-23 [Aliz]: Nice :)
Though, I've never see any =/ maybe it's just not popular =/
Or it's hard to keep them "alive" XD

2011-01-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: XD i nearly wrote "i don't know about japan" when i was suposed "i don't know about norway"^^'

but anyway i know about norway but i know that my sister got a sakura tree and a friend in stockholm says that they have sakura tree there and that they arrange hanami there every year:D

2011-01-25 [Aliz]: ooo :D that's really neat :D
I haven't heard of anything like that here >____< technically, it should work, since Hokkaido is similar to to here, even in winter >_____<

2011-01-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *nods* i know:D

2011-01-25 [Aliz]: Too bad it takes sooo long for it to get big =/
But it'd be so awesome *________*

2011-01-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know

2011-01-25 [Aliz]: I wish I could secretly go plant a zillion of them in a park XD LMAO

2011-01-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: would be awesome:D

2011-01-26 [Aliz]: Suddenly one day --> BOOOM! SAKURAAAAAAAAAA

2011-01-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: would be so awesome:D

2011-01-27 [Aliz]: yeeeah *_____*

2011-01-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: :D

2011-01-28 [Aliz]: jfipdsjfdsp T______T overslept OTL

2011-01-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww:(

2011-01-29 [Aliz]: Snooze can be a bad thing xD haha

2011-01-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know

2011-01-31 [Aliz]: I keep pushing snooze a zillion times XD I never really get out of bed XD haha

2011-01-31 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2011-02-01 [Aliz]: Maybe I shouldn't watch tv so late XD haha

2011-02-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: probably not

2011-02-03 [Aliz]: But I can't stop XD It's a dilemma! XD

2011-02-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2011-02-03 [Aliz]: There's always something on XD damn it XD

2011-02-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know the feeling

2011-02-10 [Aliz]: OMG *___* I've found awesome stores on e-bay *____*
Gothic lolita ish clothes for CHEEEEAP *____*

2011-02-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: awesome

2011-02-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: awesome:D

2011-02-16 [Aliz]: I know *______* And today I just got the nailart I ordered =D

2011-02-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: uuuhhh nice

2011-02-17 [Aliz]: uh? XD

2011-02-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i don't know

2011-02-17 [Aliz]: me neither XD LOL

2011-02-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok

2011-03-10 [Aliz]: omg T______T Neglect!

2011-03-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: awww

2011-03-24 [Aliz]: I'm bad >:D

2011-03-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: naaa

2011-04-10 [Aliz]: ;____________;

2011-04-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww

2011-04-24 [Aliz]: bfjsbfsdf D:
Allergies suck =C

2011-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know

2011-04-29 [Aliz]: I wish it could be 20 degrees and still snow XD

2011-04-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol that's be so awesome

2011-05-30 [Aliz]: It's neat like that up in the mountains :D

2011-05-31 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lucky

2011-08-02 [Aliz]: yeah... but there wasn't any snow when I went there this year =C

2011-08-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww

2011-08-15 [Aliz]: Too bad =C
Maybe I'll see some snowy mountains in Sapporo XD

2011-08-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: that'd be awesome:D

2011-08-27 [Aliz]: Maybe XD I don't really like snow that much >___<

2011-08-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww i like snow

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